GreenWood, Inc. Receives Prestigious BB&T Lighthouse Beam Safety Award for Sixth Consecutive Year

GreenWood, Inc., an integrated maintenance, construction and workforce solutions provider, was recently presented with the Lighthouse Beam Safety Award by BB&T Insurance Services. The award is designed to emphasize safety and health throughout a company’s organization and is reserved only for companies who achieve excellence in safety performance. To qualify, a company must achieve outstanding overall safety performance based on criteria for a client’s workers’ compensation policy loss ratio, workers’ compensation experience modification (EMR), and BLS/DART/OSHA recordable incident rate. This year, GreenWood, Inc. was presented with the prestigious crystal award to mark six consecutive years of receiving this recognition and is only the second company to accomplish this since inception of the award.
“BB&T Insurance Services proudly recognizes GreenWood, Inc. for their outstanding safety results for 2015,” says Warren Blanchard, BB&T Insurance Services. “With a comprehensive safety program focused on zero incidents, GreenWood is able to consistently achieve an impressive safety record each year.”
Mike Simmons, Corporate Director of Safety for GreenWood adds, “Earning this award reflects on our unwavering commitment to safety in every aspect of our business. Employees understand that safety is a personal responsibility held by each team member who is empowered to take action whenever necessary to prevent or avoid issues. Our safety standards are high and we appreciate not only this recognition from BB&T, but the commitment by all employees to prevent accidents and maintain exceptionally safe work environments at all project sites.