GreenWood, Inc. Earns Prestigious McGriff Insurance Lighthouse Beam Safety Award

GreenWood, Inc. was recently presented with the Lighthouse Beam Safety Award for achieving excellence in safety performance throughout their organization. The prestigious award is issued by McGriff Insurance Services. To qualify, a company must achieve outstanding overall safety performance based on criteria for a client’s workers’ compensation policy loss ratio, workers’ compensation experience modification (EMR), and BLS/DART/OSHA recordable incident rate. This marks the ninth consecutive year that GreenWood has met the stringent requirements encompassing the safety and health of employees at all project levels.
“GreenWood continues to achieve outstanding year over year safety results,” says Warren Blanchard, McGriff Insurance Services. “We are proud to recognize their exemplary performance and unwavering focus on safety.”
Mike Simmons, Corporate Director of Safety for GreenWood adds, “Safety is the most important aspect of our business. We emphasize this daily in every job we perform. This recognition from McGriff underscores our commitment to zero incidents and to maintaining the safest work environments possible.”
Tags: always aware, best safety practices, industrial safety, McGriff Insurance Services, safety, safety award