GreenWood, Inc. Celebrates 5 Million Safe Work Hours at WVO Project

GreenWood recently celebrated 5 million safe work hours at the West Virginia Operations (WVO) project in South Charleston, West Virginia. This major milestone was accomplished from 17 years of continuous operations without a lost time event.
GreenWood hosted a cookout luncheon for over 225 attendees to recognize and help celebrate the achievements of the team. GreenWood’s executive group was also on site to not only manage the grill, but to thank current and past employees as well as client representatives for their efforts in making this accomplishment possible. Special recognition was given to 10 current employees who were part of the original team 17 years ago.
GreenWood first began work in West Virginia at a major client site in 2002 with 20 employees. Over the past 17 years, the company’s presence in the area has grown to 6 ongoing client operations and nearly 200 employees. WVO Area Business Manager Kenny Steen helped launch the first site in West Virginia and has been instrumental in providing a consistent focus on safety while delivering exceptional service and value to GreenWood clients.
“Accomplishments like this underscore why we emphasize safety in all aspects of our work,” states GreenWood Corporate Safety Director, Mike Simmons. “By remaining ‘Always Aware’, employees are reminded every day to make safety a top priority by thinking, acting and performing safely at work and away from the office. When we do that, we get to celebrate the results!”
Tags: always aware, industrial safety, project safety, safety celebration