GreenWood, Inc. Achieves Carolina Star VPP Status for Workplace Safety and Health

GreenWood, Inc. has been approved by the North Carolina Department of Labor (NCDOL) to participate in the Carolina Star Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) at our project in Durham, North Carolina. Participation in this elite program is only for companies that demonstrate onsite safety and health best practices through a rigorous process evaluated, authenticated and approved by a team of NCDOL safety and health experts.
GreenWood has consistently demonstrated that safety and health practices are a vital part of daily operations with a focus on the prevention and control of occupational safety and health hazards. As a company, we have implemented effective management systems for the prevention of injuries and incidents in the workplace as required by OSHA and the NCDOL. Operating within the OSHA Star VPP system motivates employees to work safely which leads to better quality and productivity along with reduced workers’ compensation costs.
North Carolina Commissioner of Labor Cherie Berry officially presented the Carolina Star VPP award to GreenWood project and safety leadership members as part of a project-wide event to mark the occasion.
Tags: best safety practices, Carolina Star, industrial safety, OSHA VPP, safety