Barry Williamson: Trainer Extraordinaire

As part of our group in West Virginia, Barry Williamson originally joined GreenWood as Construction Manager and now serves as our Mechanical/Civil Q&A Manager for construction services. Most of our project teams know Barry as our expert trainer. Leveraging his expertise in managing piping packages, welding, hydro, painting and field installations, Barry has been instrumental in starting and maintaining a new training program for our pipefitters utilizing the NCCER programs.
As Construction Management & NCCER Training Coordinator/Instructor, Barry provides training for GreenWood employees at multiple project locations in West Virginia. He has helped develop training plans, daily lesson plans and spent countless hours working with GreenWood employees to help them grasp complex math equations, understand the principles of effective test taking, and to provide them with hands on training opportunities. His techniques prepare participants to not only pass their respective tests, but to effectively apply their knowledge at the project site and increase their value in the field.
Barry has also worked with other GreenWood leaders to help train them on becoming effective instructors to support the training efforts of their operations. A person like Barry Williamson comes along once in a lifetime and we’re glad to have him as part of Team GreenWood.
Tags: NCCER, piping training, train the trainer, training programs, welding training